Home on cash

All homeowners should check the value of their home periodically.  After all you visit your doctor once a year for your annual checkup … And you wait for your year end statement from your financial adviser that reflects the current value of your annuities, bonds and stocks …

Why not check the value of your home?  It represents for most a large part of their net worth.

I will be happy to run a detailed report for you that estimates your home’s current value. To make it more accurate, I would suggest you email me your contact information, your address and any significant home improvements you have made after your purchased it.

Please send your information to Claire@ClaireRichardsRealtor.com

You will receive the report within a few days by email and you will be impressed!

This service is one of the many fine services we provide to our clients and friends at the Claire Richards Realty Group.  Enjoy it.

Thanks for your continued support.

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